Year 6 (Class 17) - History - Remembrance Day
Well done class 17 for some lovely prayers for Remembrance Day this weekend.
Category: Year 6
Year 4 (Class 12) - Cultural Education - Black History Month
As part of black history month we have looked at inspirational black females.
We created some art work of Dina Asher-Smith to celebrate her achievements.
Category: Year 4
Year 2 (Class 7) - Computing - Programmers
Class 7 have started a new term of computing learning how to become programmers.
They created an algorithm (set of instructions), tested these for bugs (problems) and debugged their algorithm (fixed the problems) to get their robot from the carpet to the classroom door.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 6) - Geography - Weather
In class 6, we have began our new Geography topic - all about weather.
We looked at different types of weather and sorted pictures and definitions.
We are going to record the weather this half term using our new weather station!
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 6) - Maths - Addition & Subtraction
In maths, year 2 are going to be learning all about addition and subtraction this half term.
In class 6, we started our learning today by using rekenreks and tens frames to recap our number bonds to 10.
Category: Year 2
Year 5 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Video 2
Bartsy met with Mr Dawson over the holidays!
He was very impressed with all the children’s work! He’s signed a piece especially for Ariana and stamped the rest of your art.
Look out for yours popping up around school!
Well done year 5 and 6 we are all proud of…
Category: Year 5
Year 6 - Art - Bartsy Banksy Video 2
Bartsy met with Mr Dawson over the holidays!
He was very impressed with all the children’s work! He’s signed a piece especially for Ariana and stamped the rest of your art.
Look out for yours popping up around school!
Well done year 5 and 6 we are all proud of…
Category: Year 6
Reception (Class 1) - Little City Visit
We loved our visit from Little City!
The children really enjoyed playing in the range of different environments and taking on the role of doctors, police, hair dressers and many more!
Check out our video!
Category: Reception
Reception (Class 1) - Scarecrows
This week to finish off our learning about Autumn we have been finding out about Scarecrows!
We had enjoyed reading stories about Scarecrows and finding out why farmers have them, and how to make them!
So we decided to make our own.
We worked together as a class to create our very own…
Category: Reception
Year 2 (Class 7) - Music - Various Songs
Class 7 have learnt different songs in music and they wanted to record this song for people to listen to.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 5) - History - Floella Benjamin
Class 5 have enjoyed learning about Floella Benjamin and the amazing work she has done.
Category: Year 2
Nursery - Halloween Fun
In nursery this week we have been exploring pumpkins. The children loved looking at them, describing and painting them.
We have been ordering them according to their size and checking which ones are heavy and light. We opened them up and saw what was inside.
The children learnt pumpkin song…
Category: Nursery