Year 5 (Class 13) - Art - Collage
Class 13 have started their new art topic of collage.
We are using the work of collage surrealist Jesses Treece as our inspiration.
Over the next few weeks the children will be using their creative minds to come up with a piece of art based on a volcano set in another galaxy.
Category: Year 5
Nursery - Paint Pens
We have discovered paint pens and the children have created some amazing pictures.
We have also added gold coins to treasure chests and counted how many there were - some of the children counted beyond 20, they were very rich pirates.
Category: Nursery
KS1 Drawing Club (Y2)
The KS1 drawing club took some time off drawing to create their very own beanstalk!
They have enjoyed listening to Jack and the Beanstalk and Jasper’s Beanstalk over the last two weeks and will use their imagination to draw and write about what is at the top of their super…
Category: Year 2
KS1 Drawing Club (Y1)
The KS1 drawing club took some time off drawing to create their very own beanstalk!
They have enjoyed listening to Jack and the Beanstalk and Jasper’s Beanstalk over the last two weeks and will use their imagination to draw and write about what is at the top of their super…
Category: Year 1
Year 2 (Class 7) - Art - Collages / Mosaics
Class 7 have been exploring the work of collage artist Jesse Treece.
They have been taught about collage and mosaicking before creating an independent piece inspired by The Great Fire of London.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 6) - Art - Mosaic Buildings
Class 6 have continued learning new skills in their art lessons.
Today they have learnt all about mosaic and created their own mosaic buildings.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 - Art - Snowflakes
The children in KS1 have enjoyed creating transient art pictures depicting snowflakes as part of their fine motor development.
They used lots of loose parts, carefully placing them to make their frosty picture.
Category: Year 2
Year 1 - Art - Snowflakes
The children in KS1 have enjoyed creating transient art pictures depicting snowflakes as part of their fine motor development.
They used lots of loose parts, carefully placing them to make their frosty picture.
Category: Year 1
Year 2 (Class 6) - Art - Jesse Treece
Class 6 have been studying Jesse Treece, a collage artist from America.
We have had a go at creating our own fire collage, using different materials and techniques.
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 7) - Art - Collages
Class 7 have been exploring the work of collage artist Jesse Treece.
They have thought about the background, a focal point and the foreground, before creating their own collages inspired by his.
Category: Year 2