Year 3 (Class 8) - Science - Plants and Water
Today we looked at how the water had travelled all around the plant. We could see where the water had reached because of the red food dye.
We identified different parts of a plant and what job each part does.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 8) - Maths - Numbers to 1000
Today we looked at partitioning numbers up to 1000.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 8) - Music - The Ukulele
We have started to learn how to play the ukulele.
Today we learnt how to hold it correctly and strum.
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 8) - P.E - Learning Dodgeball
In PE we’re studying dodgeball.
We practiced hitting a moving target.
Category: Year 3
Crawshaw Open Evening - Thursday 19th September 2024
Category: Year 6 Transition
Year 6 (Class 16) - Science - Dissecting Hearts
In science this week, years 5 and 6 have been dissecting a sheep’s heart.
We then looked at the difference arteries, ventricles and chambers.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 16) - PSHE - Different Types of Drugs
In our first PSHE lesson, class 16 looked at different drugs, they researched in groups and presented information to the rest of the class.
Category: Year 6
Year 4 (Class 11) - R.E - Ancient Stories
In RE this half term we are learning about how ancient stories influence modern celebrations.
Today we looked why light is important to Sikhs during Bandi Chhor Divas. We made our own tassels like the ones Guru Hargobind wore when he was released from prison with the 52 princes.
Category: Year 4
Year 2 (Class 5) - History - Life Events
In history we discussed life events and the important life events that can happen to people.
We then discussed how the older you get the more life events you will go through. As a class we discussed Mrs Hartnett’s life events.
We then order her life events and discussed what other life…
Category: Year 2
Year 2 (Class 5) - Birthday Surprise
What a lovely surprise Harmonjot got when Mrs Wainwright delivered a birthday card to her.
Harmonjot was very excited and very happy to be turning 7.
Category: Year 2
Year 6 (Class 14) - PSHE - The Dangers of Drugs
This week in PSHE, class 14 have been researching the dangers and effects of drugs.
They then presented this information back to their peers.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 (Class 14) - PSHE - The Dangers of Drugs
This week in PSHE, class 14 have been researching the dangers and effects of drugs.
They then presented this information back to their peers.
Category: Year 5