Year 3 / Year 4 (Class 10) - Collective Worship Song
Class 10 have worked hard to rework the lyrics of a popular song, and it is fast becoming our favourite song to sing!
Our song reminds us of the amazing things we do in St Bart's, and how thankful we all are to be here.
Here we are singing it - and a big thank you to Mr Wedge for playing the…
Category: Weekly Worship
Year 4 (Class 10) - RE - Collective Worship Song
Class 10 have worked hard to rework the lyrics of a popular song, and it is fast becoming our favourite song to sing!
Our song reminds us of the amazing things we do in St Bart's, and how thankful we all are to be here.
Here we are singing it - and a big thank you to Mr Wedge for playing the…
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 10) - R.E - Collective Worship Song
Class 10 have worked hard to rework the lyrics of a popular song, and it is fast becoming our favourite song to sing!
Our song reminds us of the amazing things we do in St Bart's, and how thankful we all are to be here.
Here we are singing it - and a big thank you to Mr Wedge for playing the…
Category: Year 3
Year 4 (Class 10) - Cultural Education - Black History Month
Class 10 had a great time working collaboratively to create fact files about Maggie Alderin-Pocock for Black History month.
Maggie is a doctor of mechanical engineering and a space scientist.
We talked about how she is a fantastic role model and how she has shown that you can do anything you…
Category: Year 4
Year 3 (Class 10) - Cultural Education - Black History Month
Class 10 had a great time working collaboratively to create fact files about Maggie Alderin-Pocock for Black History month.
Maggie is a doctor of mechanical engineering and a space scientist.
We talked about how she is a fantastic role model and how she has shown that you can do anything you…
Category: Year 3
Year 6 (Class 16) - Collective Worship Song
Class 16 have worked hard at creating a song based off of our St Bart’s characteristics for worship this week.
Category: Weekly Worship
Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - Worship Song
Class 16 have worked hard at creating a song based off of our St Bart’s characteristics for worship this week.
Category: Year 6
Year 6 (Class 17) - English - Newspaper Story
Class 17 enjoyed working in groups in English to create a newspaper story from a given headline.
Children worked really well discussing different ideas and they then presented their newspaper stories!
Category: Year 6
Year 6 - English - Reading Plus
Children in years 5 and 6 have been completing their assessments on Reading Plus to determine their starting points on the programme.
Children will then use Reading Plus in timetabled sessions and also at home.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 - English - Reading Plus
Children in years 5 and 6 have been completing their assessments on Reading Plus to determine their starting points on the programme.
Children will then use Reading Plus in timetabled sessions and also at home.
Category: Year 5
Year 4 (Class 11) - Art - LS Lowry
Class 11 have been looking at L S Lowry I’m at this half team.
Last week the children scratched the iconic Leeds Town Hall bulletin and this week used a copy of the sketch to add colour using similar colours to those Lowry would have used.
We will finish them off next week.
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 11) - English - Reading Plus
Class 11 have completed their reading plus assessments this week ready to start their online lessons.
They will get time in the school day to complete these lesson to help them improve their reading fluency and comprehension of a text.
Category: Year 4