Year 3 (Class 10) - R.E - Bhangra Dancing
Class 10 have been learning about how people express their faith in different forms.
We learned about how Vaisakhi is celebrated, which is a festival observed in Punjab similar to a harvest festival.
We learned how people express themselves through Bhangra dancing and had a go at it…
Category: Year 3
Year 3 (Class 9) - Drama with Lala!
This week, we enjoyed our drama session with Lala from Artis.
We started by working on our facial expressions and warming up our voices. We then acted in role as a rich Roman Emperor at a feast.
The children enjoyed getting into role and building up our performance confidence.
Category: Year 3
Year 5 - Class 13 - Make You Feel My Love
Class 13 have been learning to sing Adele’s version of 'Make You Feel My Love', written by Bob Dylan.
Category: Year 5