Year 3 (Class 9) - Geography / Science - Tropical World Trip
Today we visited Tropical World to see what it is like in tropical climates and what animals live there.
We all enjoyed seeing the butterflies emerging from their pupae as well as flying around or landing on our heads! We also enjoyed all of the fish, reptiles, monkeys and insects.
We then…
Category: Year 3
Year 6 (Class 15) - Science - Separating Mixtures
Class 15 have been separating mixtures using a variety of equipment.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 (Class 15) - Science - Separating Mixtures
Class 15 have been separating mixtures using a variety of equipment.
Category: Year 5
Year 4 (Class 11) - Science - Animals & Humans
Class 11 have started a new science topic of humans and other animals.
The children worked in pairs to group and classify a variety of animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Category: Year 4
Year 6 (Class 16) - Science - Separating Materials
In science this week, class 16 have been working together using different equipment to separate materials.
They were not allowed to use their hands, so they had to think about which equipment they needed to use depending on the shape and size of the items.
Category: Year 6
Year 5 (Class 13) - Science - Problem Solving Techniques
In science class 13 are using problem solving techniques to separate a mixture by using various equipment.
Category: Year 5
Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - Liquids and Teeth
Today we investigated the effects of the different liquids on the ‘teeth’.
We looked closely with magnifying glasses and drew labelled diagrams of what we saw. We though about high teeth in our mouths are most susceptible to rot and decay.
We also compared teeth of carnivores, omnivores and…
Category: Year 4
Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - Liquids and Teeth
Today we investigated the effects of the different liquids on the ‘teeth’.
We looked closely with magnifying glasses and drew labelled diagrams of what we saw. We though about high teeth in our mouths are most susceptible to rot and decay.
We also compared teeth of carnivores, omnivores and…
Category: Year 4
Year 1 (Class 3) - Science - Trees
In science this week we have been looking at the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees.
We went on a tree hunt around the school and looked at the different leaves to help us decide what kind of tree it was.
Category: Year 1
Year 3 (Class 9) - Science - Human Teeth and Drinks
In science we have been looking at human teeth and investigating what drinks cause the most damage to teeth.
Last week we set up our investigation putting chalk into 6 different liquids.
This week we recorded our observations.
We got some surprising results.
Category: Year 3
Year 1 (Class 4) - Science - Plants
In Science, we have been continuing our topic on plants.
We planted 'magic' beans and we can't wait to watch them grow into beanstalks.
Category: Year 1
Year 4 (Class 12) - Science - Dental Mirrors
Year 4 used dental mirrors to look at the different teeth in our mouths.
We learned their names and identified them in our mouths.
Category: Year 4